The world is full of fair weather friends. A friend is tested in time of need only. It is rightly said prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them. The story of two friends and the bear is well-known to be related here.
The crucial point in the story is the words of the helpless friend which he spoke to the fair-weather friend: “The bear said to me in my ears; “Never trust a fair-weather friend.” Man is social animal. He cannot live without company. He has to choose the company of some friends. At least one of these friends must be a highly reliable one in whom all the secrets of life can be confided.
However, in the modern world sometimes one feels cheated when at the moment of crisis one is ditched even by one’s best friend who becomes a model of betrayal. In such moments, one feels lonely, abandoned and ignored. He has the realization that even his best friend has left him in the lurch.
Then, the only company possible for him is God and that is how he is able to maintain his balance of mind philosophically. So, we should always try to avoid the company of a fair weather friend.