1. Opening Is the beginning interesting? Are there better ways to begin the story?
2. Plot
Does the plot move at a satisfying pace?
Does it have a climax?
Does it have a good conclusion?
3. Setting.
Are there enough details about time and place?
4. Characterization.
Do the characters exhibit real emotions? What character traits are required ?
5. Them What is the story about? Is the message clear?
6. Editing for organization.
Does the opening sentence catch the reader’s interest? Is the topic sentence clear? If so which is that sentence?
7. Editing for unity and coherence.
Does the paragraph contain unity i.e. does each paragraph discuss one idea only?
Is the paragraph coherent i.e. do the ideas flow smoothly?
Are transitions used to provide coherence?
Is there a concluding sentence which provides a satisfying ending?