Corruption is the bane of modern society. This corruption has pervaded all walks of life. There is hardly a person in India who is either himself not corrupt or is not affected by this menace in one way or the other. The most alarming thing is that corruption has gained social respectability. It is closely linked to the question of attaining money, wealth, property and status.
All the scams, scandals and embezzlements that have taken Place in various departments and at various levels in India like the Bofors, the securities scam, the fodder scam, the housing scam, the petrol pumps scam, the recruitment scam, the sugar scam, the stamp scam, the telecommunication scam, the food scam, the cash-on-camera scam, the tehelka scam are caused due to that desires.
It will not be an exaggeration or fallacy if a person asserts that it is an uphill task for a really honest and truthful man to lead a life of bare existence, much less an honorable life. What greater calamity can befall a country where honest, sincere and hardworking men are ridiculed and even tortured by knaves, villains, scoundrels, goons and hooligans hired by the vested interests that be!
The condition at present is such that you cannot get any work done by an official in any department unless you grease his palms. There is no service for a really honest man who is not ready to pay the hush money, however brilliant in studies he may be.
The only hope for the common man in India lies in the efforts of the judiciary and the vigilance commission whose hands should be strengthened to deliver the people from the clutches of the monster called “Corruption”.